Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Jesuit Website Gets Reviewed

Why does get a negative review from

» Visit this site

This website is Loyola Press’s venue for their catechetical series, “Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts.” The program is described as “a new parish and school faith formation program for children in grades 1-8 and the significant adults in their lives” They further state, ” We are committed to service by publishing resources that support children's faith formation, language arts education, whole community catechesis, and the ongoing spiritual growth of adults through books and resources on a wide variety of topics including prayer, Catholic life, history, and Ignatian spirituality.”
This glitzy website does have some worthwhile resources, but you have to know your faith to take advantage of them because much of what is here is tainted. For example, in the DRE section, you will find things like Monica Hellwig’s interpretation of St. Ignatius of Loyola’s spirituality. This certainly should lead you to seriously question how good the catechetical series could possibly be.
Learn more about what catechesis should be from Catholics United for the Faith:
We Have But One Teacher, Jesus Christ - Catechesis In Our Time
Where Do We Go Wrong? Top Ten Errors in Catechesis.
Learn more about Whole Community Catechesis.


Section for DRE's which includes some Liturgical Year activities, traditional Catholic prayers, information on the Sacraments and Liturgy (Resources)

A good section on the Saints taken from Saints and Feast Days: A Resource and Activity Book (Resources)


Questionable links (Fidelity)

Articles that are deficient in presenting the truth of the Real Presence (Fidelity)

Podcast by Jim Martin, S.J. (Fidelity)

Recommends catechists "Find out where you can go to experience Taizé prayer in order to revive the spirit and calm the mind." (Fidelity)
Recommends Echoes of Faith published by RCL as a resource (Fidelity)

Questionable writers part of the authorship team (Fidelity)

Deformation of Ignatian Spirituality (Fidelity)

Loyola Press
3441 North Ashland Avenue
Chicago, IL 60657
773-281-0555 (fax)

NB: All reviews are current as of the Evaluation or Update Date cited above. If you notice that a review contains information that is no longer accurate, please contact us and we will be happy to amend our review.

Original Link (here)

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