Friday, July 13, 2007

Brother Francis Waddelove SJ, Harare Jesuit

HARARE - 13 July 2007 - 188 words

Zimbabwe: Brother Francis Waddelove SJ has died

Brother Francis Waddelove SJ died in Zimbabwe last Sunday, after suffering a fall in which he his broke his leg. He was not strong enough for an operation. At 92, he was the oldest Jesuit in Zimbabwe and the last of the pre-World War II generation.

Born in 1915 in England, Francis Waddelove joined the Society of Jesus in 1935 and came out to this country in 1937. He took much trouble to learn and speak Shona well.

Brother Frances worked at Driefontein, Monte Cassino, St Michael's Mhondoro, Chishawasha (twice) and other rural missions. He was a farmer, but also built many churches. He set up savings clubs for the rural people to make them self-reliant while residing at Campion House, next to the Cathedral in Harare. He spent his last year at Richartz House, Mt Pleasant, the home for senior Jesuits.

Father Provincial Fidelis Mukonori SJ, celebrated the Requiem Mass on Wednesday, 11 July, in the Cathedral, with Bishop Dieter B Scholz SJ of Chinhoyi and many Jesuits concelebrating. He was laid to rest on Chishawasha Cemetery.

Source: Jesuit Communications

Original article (here)

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